Sunday, 18 July 2010

Olivia Palermo

So i've decided to do a monthly style report on who i think is the stylista of the moment. My first one has to be dedicated to Ms Olivia Palermo. She is a girl we all love to hate, just watching her on the City makes me wonder how and why she has any friends at all, and the things she comes out with portray her as a snooty cow, HOWEVER, there's no denying girlfriend has style, very few times have i seen her make a fashion faux pas and the fashion she does wear is second to none. There's no denying she is a beautiful girl and her designer label/couture style oozes classiness and sophistication. Below are some of my favourite outfits she has donned in the past.


  1. She is ridiculously hot. I would love her figure and clothes- just too good. She needs a personality transplant though- I agree with you there. Haha! x

  2. i like her style. she is a true genious. lol.


  3. we love the girl though check out the post we did on her yesterday, eep!

    Great blog, definitely be back lots! Come follow TBAG if you fancy. xx

  4. thanks tbag...following u all x

  5. SHUT UP!!
    I love her fashion sense too! And her boyfriend....wouldnt mind him either ;)

    I hated her on The City but her dress sense is undeniably hott! Guess bitches sure do shop up an angry storm
